Latest US News Stories USA News, Breaking News, World News Sun, 15 Jan 2023 22:40:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Latest US News Stories 32 32 Ideas for TV AD Campaing 30 Sec Sun, 15 Jan 2023 22:40:54 +0000 Creative innovative marketing advertising ideas for restaurants for TV ad campaign below is the registered script available for use with proper credit

Tv ad script idea for McDonald’s burger restaurants

Opening shot of a college couple sitting in a McDonald’s restaurant, smiling and laughing over their burgers.

Voiceover: “Love is all about finding the perfect partner, but also finding the perfect meal to share with them.”

Cut to a shot of the couple taking a bite of their McDonald’s burgers, eyes closed in enjoyment.

Voiceover: “Introducing the all-new XYZ burger at McDonald’s, the ultimate in taste and satisfaction.”

Cut to a shot of the burgers being made, showing the fresh ingredients such as lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and a juicy beef patty.

Voiceover: “Made with 100% beef, fresh vegetables and special sauce, this burger is the perfect combination of flavor and quality. And with its affordable price, you can share this delicious meal with your loved one without breaking the bank.”

Cut to the couple sitting in front of their empty plates, smiling contentedly.

Voiceover: “So next time you’re looking for a meal to share with your special someone, come to McDonald’s and try the all-new XYZ burger.”

Closing shot of the McDonald’s logo and the tagline “Love at first bite.”

The couple high-fives each other and take another bite of the burger.

Voiceover (comedic tone): “So next time you want to spice things up with your special someone, come to McDonald’s and try the all-new XYZ burger. It’s love at first bite, and second bite, and third bite. You get the point.”

Closing shot of the McDonald’s logo and the tagline “Bring the fire to your relationship” with a playful fire animation and the couple sharing a kiss.

funny tv commercial ideas

  1. “The Car-a-oke Challenge” – A commercial where a group of friends take turns singing their favorite songs while driving in a new car model, complete with built-in karaoke system. The catch: they can only sing while parked in a designated karaoke zone.
  2. “The Great Car Escape” – A commercial where a group of friends get locked in a car trunk and have to figure out how to escape using features of the car, such as the trunk release button or emergency call system.
  3. “The Carpool Karaoke” – A commercial where a group of coworkers take turns driving to work in a new car model, using the built-in microphone and sound system to sing along to their favorite songs during the carpool ride.
  4. “The Car-a-pet Show” – A commercial where a group of pets compete in a talent show, using features of the car like the panoramic sunroof and rear-seat entertainment system.
  5. “The Car-a-chef Challenge” – A commercial where a group of friends have a cook-off in a new car model, using the built-in kitchen appliances like stove and refrigerator to make their best dish.
  6. “The Car-a-Gym” – A commercial where a person use the car’s features like seats and steering wheel to workout, showing that this car model is perfect for a healthy lifestyle.

Creative election ad campaign for candidate

Opening shot of a bustling city street, with people of all ages and backgrounds going about their day.

Voiceover: “Are you tired of politicians who only care about themselves? Are you ready for a leader who will put the needs of the people first?”

Cut to a shot of the candidate, a charismatic and dynamic individual, shaking hands with voters on the campaign trail.

Voiceover: “Meet John Smith, a candidate for mayor who truly cares about the community. John has the experience and the vision to make our city a better place for everyone.”

Cut to footage of the candidate participating in local events, volunteering at a food bank, and meeting with community leaders.

Voiceover: “John will work to create jobs, reduce crime, and improve schools. He’ll also fight for affordable housing and better public transportation. With John as mayor, our city will be a place where everyone can thrive.”

Cut to a shot of the candidate looking directly into the camera, speaking with conviction.

Candidate: “I’m John Smith, and I’m running for mayor to make our city a better place for everyone. I ask for your vote, so together we can make a difference.”

Closing shot of the candidate waving to a crowd of supporters, with the campaign slogan displayed on screen: “John Smith: A leader for all of us.”

30-second tv commercial script examples pdf for detergent company

Opening shot of a family sitting at the dinner table, smiling and laughing. Voiceover: “Life is messy, but with XYZ Detergent, your clothes can be clean and fresh.” Cut to a montage of different people (of all ages and backgrounds) doing various activities that would dirty clothes (i.e. playing sports, working on a car, gardening, etc.). Voiceover: “Our powerful formula removes even the toughest stains, leaving your clothes looking like new.” Cut to a shot of a person happily wearing a now-clean shirt. Voiceover: “Say goodbye to stains and hello to a fresh, clean wardrobe. Try XYZ Detergent today.” Closing shot of the detergent bottle with the company’s logo. Voiceover: “XYZ Detergent. Clean clothes, happy life.”

TV Advertisement -take a break from social media and rediscover your passions

Opening shot of a person scrolling through their social media feed on their phone. Voiceover: “In a world where social media is constantly telling us to keep up with the Joneses, it’s easy to feel like we’re not good enough.” Cut to a montage of different people (of all ages and backgrounds) looking at their phones, looking worried, and comparing themselves to others on social media. Voiceover: “But what if instead of comparing ourselves to others, we focused on being the best version of ourselves?” Cut to a shot of a person happily engaged in an activity they enjoy, such as playing an instrument, painting, or dancing. Voiceover: “At XYZ Company, we believe that you are unique, and that’s something to be celebrated.” Cut to a shot of a group of people from different backgrounds, all happily engaged in different activities.

Voiceover: “So why not take a break from social media and rediscover your passions? Because when you’re true to yourself, you’re unstoppable.” Closing shot of the XYZ Company logo. Voiceover: “XYZ Company. Celebrate your unique self.”

funny script for youtube video

Opening shot of a person sitting at a desk, staring at a computer screen with a look of frustration.

Person: “Ugh, writer’s block. I can’t think of anything funny to make a video about.”

Suddenly, a small, fluffy cat jumps onto the desk, interrupting their train of thought.

Person: “Oh, hey little guy. You’re a funny one, aren’t you?”

The cat starts to playfully paw at the keyboard and the person gets an idea.

Person: “I know! I’ll make a video about cats doing funny things!”

The person starts to search for cat videos on the internet, but quickly becomes overwhelmed by the sheer number of options.

Person: “Wow, there are a lot of cat videos out there. How am I supposed to choose which one to make fun of?”

The cat jumps off the desk and starts to walk away.

Person: “Wait, where are you going? Don’t leave me here, I need you!”

The cat turns around and gives a sassy look back before walking off-screen.

Person: “Fine, be that way. I’ll just make fun of all of them.”

The video then cuts to a montage of different cat videos with humorous voiceover commentary added by the person, poking fun at the cats’ antics and making silly jokes.

Person: “And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should always supervise your cat when they’re near the toilet paper.”

Closing shot of the person sitting at the desk, looking pleased with themselves.

Person: “There, that’s my viral video. Now, if only I could get this cat to come back and be my sidekick.”

Closing shot of the cat sitting on a windowsill, looking unimpressed.

Love story for Youtube video script

Opening shot of a young woman, Sarah, sitting on a park bench, staring wistfully at the lake.

Voiceover (Sarah): “It’s been two years since he left. I thought I would never love again.”

Cut to a shot of a young man, Jack, sitting at a café, staring at a picture of Sarah on his phone.

Voiceover (Jack): “I can’t stop thinking about her. I made the biggest mistake of my life when I let her go.”

The scene cuts back to Sarah, who gets up from the bench and starts to walk away. Jack gets up from his seat and starts to follow her from a distance.

Voiceover (Jack): “I have to find her. I have to tell her how I feel.”

As Sarah walks through the park, she starts to notice small signs that someone is following her. She starts to feel uneasy and begins to quicken her pace.

Voiceover (Sarah): “I can’t shake this feeling that someone is following me.”

Just as Sarah is about to leave the park, Jack steps out from behind a tree and approaches her.

Jack: “Sarah, wait. We need to talk.”

Sarah stops and turns around, surprised to see him.

Sarah: “Jack, what are you doing here?”

Jack: “I made a huge mistake when I left you. I realize now that I never stopped loving you. I want to spend the rest of my life making it up to you.”

Sarah looks at Jack for a moment, then a smile spreads across her face.

Sarah: “I never stopped loving you either.”

The two of them embrace and the camera zooms out to show the lake, the sun setting behind it, as the music swells.

Voiceover (Jack and Sarah): “And they lived happily ever after.”

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Top 5 Script writing examples Complete Guide Sat, 14 Jan 2023 14:53:55 +0000 Top 5 Script writing examples Court room drama, war crime stories :-

Screenwriting is an art for filmmaking. You can read Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need Book by Blake Snyder

Story writing components in filmmaking

Story premiseA brief summary of the main conflict and characters in the story
ProtagonistThe main character in the story who faces the conflict and goes on a journey to resolve it
AntagonistThe character or force that creates the conflict for the protagonist
SettingThe time and place where the story takes place
PlotThe series of events that make up the story, including the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
Character arcThe transformation or growth of the protagonist throughout the story
DialogueThe spoken words between characters that reveal their thoughts, emotions, and motivations
ActionThe physical events that occur in the story, including fight scenes and chase sequences
VisualsThe visual elements of the story, including lighting, camera angles, and special effects
ThemeThe underlying message or meaning of the story
story writing components

Title: “The Tribunal”

Fade in:


We see a large room filled with people sitting behind a long table. They are all dressed in formal attire. The room is filled with a sense of gravity and tension. The audience is made up of families of victims, human rights activists and journalists.

At the head of the table sits the JUDGE, an elderly man with a stern expression. To his right sits the PROSECUTOR, a young woman in her thirties, and to his left sits the DEFENSE ATTORNEY, an older man with a tired expression.

JUDGE (banging gavel) This tribunal is now in session. We are here to hear evidence and determine the guilt or innocence of the accused, General Markus Schmidt, for war crimes committed during the occupation of Country X.

The camera cuts to the accused, GENERAL SCHMIDT, sitting at a table in the courtroom. He is a middle-aged man with a stoic expression.

PROSECUTOR (standing) Your Honor, the prosecution will prove that General Schmidt was responsible for the execution of hundreds of innocent civilians, as well as the systematic torture and abuse of prisoners of war. The evidence we present will be graphic and disturbing, but it is necessary for the world to know the truth about the atrocities committed under General Schmidt’s command.

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (standing) Your Honor, the defense will show that General Schmidt was simply following orders and that the real responsibility lies with the politicians who orchestrated the war. But let me be clear, we do not excuse or justify the actions of General Schmidt or his men.

The trial proceeds, with witnesses for the prosecution and defense testifying. We see flashbacks of the atrocities committed by the occupying forces, intercut with the testimony of survivors and soldiers who were there.

As the trial progresses, the evidence against General Schmidt becomes overwhelming. The courtroom is filled with gasps and sobs from the audience as witness after witness recounts their stories of horror. The families of victims, now grown old, sit in the audience, their faces etched with pain as they relive the events of the past.

In the end, General Schmidt is found guilty of war crimes and is sentenced to life in prison. The audience erupts in applause and tears as the judge delivers the verdict.



The camera pans over the crowd of people outside the courthouse, holding signs and banners, cheering and crying. A voiceover of the prosecutor is heard:

PROSECUTOR (V.O.) This trial may not bring back the lives lost or heal the wounds of the past, but it is a step towards justice and a reminder that these atrocities will not be forgotten.


Title: “The Verdict”

Fade in:


The courtroom is packed with people. There is a palpable sense of tension as the JURY FILES in, taking their seats in the jury box. The JUDGE, a stern and experienced woman, enters the courtroom and takes her seat on the bench.

At the defense table sits the DEFENDANT, JASON TAYLOR, a young man in his thirties dressed in a suit, looking pale and anxious. His DEFENSE ATTORNEY, a charismatic and well-dressed man, sits next to him, trying to calm him down.

At the prosecution table, sits the PROSECUTOR, a determined and confident woman, going over her notes.

JUDGE (banging gavel) Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

FOREMAN (standing) We have, Your Honor.

JUDGE (nodding) Please hand the verdict to the bailiff.

The bailiff takes the verdict from the foreman and hands it to the judge, who reads it and then looks up at the courtroom.

JUDGE (solemnly) On the charge of murder in the first degree, the jury finds the defendant, Jason Taylor, guilty.

The courtroom erupts in gasps and murmurs. Jason Taylor’s family, sitting in the gallery, begins to cry. His defense attorney puts a comforting arm around him as Jason looks down, tears streaming down his face.

The judge bangs her gavel, trying to restore order.

JUDGE (banging gavel) Quiet, please. Sentencing will take place in two weeks.

The judge then exits the courtroom, and the bailiff leads Jason Taylor out of the courtroom in handcuffs.

The camera cuts to the prosecution team, looking victorious and relieved, embracing each other.



Jason Taylor sits on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. His defense attorney enters the cell.

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (sighing) I’m sorry, Jason. We did everything we could.

JASON TAYLOR (voice trembling) I didn’t do it. I didn’t kill her.

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (nodding) I know you believe that, but the jury didn’t. We’ll file an appeal and keep fighting for you.

JASON TAYLOR (looking up) You believe me, right?

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (pausing) I believe in your innocence, but the jury found you guilty and it’s going to be an uphill battle to overturn that verdict.



Reporters surround the defense attorney as he exits the courthouse, shoving microphones in his face and firing questions at him.

REPORTER 1 Do you think there’s a chance of a successful appeal?

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (smiling) We’re going to fight for justice for Jason Taylor until the very end.


Title: “War Crime”


A barren battlefield stretches out before us, filled with the rubble and destruction of war. We follow a small group of soldiers as they march forward, their gazes heavy with grim determination.


The soldiers crest a hill and come upon a small village in ruins. Everywhere they look, there is evidence of death and destruction– burned out homes, shattered windows, and broken souls.


At the center of the village is a church, its walls still standing but its interior filled with rubble.

Title: “The Proven Innocent”



The courtroom is packed with people. There is a palpable sense of tension as the JURY FILES in, taking their seats in the jury box. The JUDGE, a stern and experienced woman, enters the courtroom and takes her seat on the bench.

At the defense table sits the DEFENDANT, LILY WHITE, a young woman in her twenties dressed in a suit, looking pale and anxious. Her DEFENSE ATTORNEY, a charismatic and well-dressed man, sits next to her, trying to calm her down.

At the prosecution table, sits the PROSECUTOR, a determined and confident woman, going over her notes.

JUDGE (banging gavel) Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

FOREMAN (standing) We have, Your Honor.

JUDGE (nodding) Please hand the verdict to the bailiff.

The bailiff takes the verdict from the foreman and hands it to the judge, who reads it and then looks up at the courtroom.

JUDGE (solemnly) On the charge of murder in the first degree, the jury finds the defendant, Lily White, guilty.

The courtroom erupts in gasps and murmurs. Lily’s family, sitting in the gallery, begins to cry. Her defense attorney puts a comforting arm around her as Lily looks down, tears streaming down her face.

The judge bangs her gavel, trying to restore order.

JUDGE (banging gavel) Quiet, please. Sentencing will take place in two weeks.

The judge then exits the courtroom, and the bailiff leads Lily out of the courtroom in handcuffs.

The camera cuts to the prosecution team, looking victorious and relieved, embracing each other.



Lily sits on her bed, staring blankly at the wall. Her defense attorney enters the cell.

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (sighing) I’m sorry, Lily. We did everything we could.

LILY (voice trembling) I didn’t do it. I didn’t kill him.

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (nodding) I know you believe that, but the jury didn’t. We’ll file an appeal and keep fighting for you.

LILY (looking up) You believe me, right?

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (pausing) I believe in your innocence, but the jury found you guilty and it’s going to be an uphill battle to overturn that verdict.



Reporters surround the defense attorney as he exits the courthouse, shoving microphones in his face and firing questions at him.

REPORTER 1 Do you think there’s a chance of a successful appeal?

DEFENSE ATTORNEY (smiling) We’re going to fight for justice for Lily White until the very end.

Title: “Tokyo Reckoning”

Fade in:


We see a bustling city, with people going about their business. The camera pans to reveal a lone figure, KATSU, walking through the crowded streets. He looks determined, with a sense of purpose.

KATSU: (V.O.) I used to be a cop. I thought I knew what justice was. But then my wife and daughter were taken from me. Murdered. And the person responsible walked free.


Katsu is sitting alone in his dark, sparsely furnished apartment. He looks up at the picture of his family on the wall.

KATSU: (V.O.) I quit the force. I couldn’t stomach the corruption and the injustice anymore. But I couldn’t just let it go.


Katsu is walking again, this time with a sense of urgency. He stops in front of a nondescript building.

KATSU: (V.O.) I’ve been doing my own investigation for years. And now, I’ve finally found a lead.


Katsu enters the building and makes his way to the top floor. He knocks on a door. A voice from inside says, “Come in.”


Katsu enters the office to find a well-dressed man, SATO, sitting behind a desk.

KATSU: You’re the one who killed my family.

SATO: (smirks) Prove it.

Katsu reaches into his pocket and pulls out a gun. Sato’s smirk disappears and he stands up, reaching for a hidden button on his desk.

KATSU: You won’t press that button.

Sato freezes, and Katsu pulls the trigger.


Katsu is walking away from the building, a sense of calm and satisfaction on his face.

KATSU: (V.O.) I may not have been able to bring my family back, but I’ve finally brought them justice.

INT. SATO’S OFFICE – DAY (Continuation)

Katsu stands over Sato’s dead body, his gun still smoking. He looks around the office and sees a laptop open on the desk. He starts going through the files and finds evidence of Sato’s involvement in his family’s murder, and other illegal activities.

KATSU: (V.O.) I finally have the evidence I need to bring Sato and his associates to justice.


Katsu is walking through the streets again, but this time he’s being followed by two men in suits. He notices them and starts to quicken his pace.

KATSU: (V.O.) I knew Sato wouldn’t go down without a fight.

Katsu starts to run, with the two men in pursuit. He ducks into an alleyway and hides behind a dumpster. The two men run past him, not noticing him.

KATSU: (V.O.) I have to get this evidence to the authorities before they catch up to me.

Katsu starts to make his way back to his apartment, but he’s stopped by a group of thugs.

THUG 1: Hand over the evidence, or else.

KATSU: I’m not afraid of you.

Katsu fights off the thugs, using his training as a former cop. He manages to escape and make it back to his apartment.


Katsu is on the phone with a police contact, giving him the evidence against Sato and his associates.

KATSU: (V.O.) Finally, justice will be served.

Title: “Echoes of Love”

Fade in:


We see the beautiful and bustling ghats of Varanasi, with the sound of the river Ganges and the aroma of incense in the air. The camera pans to reveal a young woman, AARTI, sitting on the steps leading down to the river, lost in thought.

AARTI: (V.O.) I’ve lived in Varanasi all my life, but I’ve never truly appreciated its beauty until now.

A young man, ROHAN, approaches Aarti and sits next to her.

ROHAN: Can I join you?

AARTI: Sure.

They sit in silence for a moment, taking in the sights and sounds of the ghat.

ROHAN: My name is Rohan. I’m a photographer from Mumbai.

AARTI: I’m Aarti. I’m a student here.

ROHAN: Varanasi is such a beautiful and spiritual place. I’ve been taking pictures here for the past few days.

AARTI: I’ve never seen it through the eyes of a photographer before.

ROHAN: I’d love to show you some of my photos, if you’re interested.

AARTI: I’d like that.


Aarti and Rohan are looking at Rohan’s photographs, which are on display in the gallery. They are laughing and talking, clearly enjoying each other’s company.

AARTI: (V.O.) I never thought I could fall in love in such a short amount of time, but there’s something about Rohan that just feels right.


Aarti and Rohan are sitting on the steps again, but this time they are holding hands.

ROHAN: I have to go back to Mumbai tomorrow, but I don’t want to leave you.

AARTI: I don’t want you to go either.

ROHAN: Then come with me.

AARTI: I can’t just leave everything behind.

ROHAN: We’ll figure it out. I love you, Aarti.

AARTI: I love you too, Rohan.

They kiss as the camera pulls out to show the beautiful and peaceful setting of the ghat, with the sound of the river Ganges and the aroma of incense in the air.


This is just a Synopsis and script outline of Script writing examples actual script will have 200 pages per page 1 minute .
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